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LUXURIOUS   (Dec 2024)


I hid beneath rotten blankets,

Wooden cot my silken bed,

With finest linen of fleas

Murmuring their way through the sodden cloth,

Surrounded by creaking of wood, creaking of bones,

creaking of breath a constant death rattle

Together in the dark .


The hinges creak as the broken wooden door rasps open

Light steals in at least the ashen vestige of light,

with charcoal flakes of ash floating accompanied by stench

Rotting, sweet smell of rancid flesh, and then the burning.

Chimney belching out proclaiming it's outrageous, evil business

And charnel remains lie on the naked ground



We stagger we lurch then fall and crawl outside

Then along the mud track with trenches of blood
and bone.

The very earth itself gorged rich with pain and misery and laden with grief.

Nothing grows here it is dead.

In full view I see hells gates open swinging in heavy icy metal

Yes again I see the wrought iron gates of tyranny open

And I see distorted figures shifting in slow motion through the smog men wearing the wrong uniform Khaki not the loathsome dreaded other

I am in a fantasy - a vision I once saw in a febrile dream

And like a scrap of stale bread to a starving mortal

I gorge on it.



One figure moves swiftly and catches me as I fall Into the arms of salvation

I loose consciousness

The figure recoils instinctively for how do you hold a skeleton

Shaven bald rotting diseased distended upended fragile as a mess of broken bones number 45528and Yet he holds me as gentle as a feather in his arms

And I breath in his wholeness and take it as my own.

He half carries me to the lorry and out of a storehouse of riches finds a grey serge blanket with heavy Stitching in red around the edges smelling of the sweetest carbolic

He covers my broken body all veins and boils and distended bones and ligaments detached He covers My broken body all bald and blackened feet curled in like burnt wood on fire,

Eyes empty mind dead. flat lining.

And gives me a white enamel mug edged in blue filled half filled - a cup of living water I called l it.Half Filled of what I do not know but it was thick and good

Yes good that's how to describe it

There was a goodness about that drink a cleanness

And a quality of love in that drink and I poured it down my throat.


 I hear a murmur not too much my lovely not too much -


And in that drink I tasted the homeliness of hot sweet tea

In that drink I tasted the sweetness of fragrant milk,

In that drink I tasted the finest minerals infused in spring water,

And In that drink I tasted scintillating sparkling champagne

Celebrating our love before the nightmare began.


This was luxury, for this was a sumptuous feast of freedom, and hope began flowing through my veins As molten blood coursed through me again

And the rare feeling of love known yet unfamiliar

An ideal I had given birth to and nourished me

And gave me sustenance in the jaws of death

and I am alive in the lap of luxurious life after death.

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